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These are the committees defined within California Chapter of NIGP. Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
Awards and Scholarship Committee
The Vice President shall direct the Awards and Scholarship Committee. The Awards and Scholarship Committee shall consist of the following four (4) members: • Vice President, Chairperson • Chairperson of the Education and Professional Development Committee • Chairperson of the Membership Committee • Member-at-large from Chapter membership, nominated by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. This Committee shall be responsible for the development and administration of procedures, criteria, and final selection of recipients for the following annual Chapter awards: • Professional Public Buyer of the Year Award • Professional Public Purchasing Manager of the Year Award • Annual Scholarship Award This Committee shall also coordinate submission of the NIGP Chapter of the Year criteria, nomination for the National Professional Public Buyer of the Year, and nomination for the National Professional Public Purchasing Manager of the Year Awards to NIGP.
Nominating Committee
1. The Nominating Committee and its chairperson are appointed by the President and shall consist of not less than five (5) members. The Nominating Committee will recommend a slate of officers for membership vote at the September Chapter meeting. The slate of candidates will be announced by mail to the membership thirty (30) days prior to the September meeting. Officers shall be elected at the September meeting from the slate of candidates presented by the Nominating Committee and any eligible and consenting members nominated from the floor. A simple majority vote of those regular members in attendance, and by absentee ballot, will be required for a candidate to win election. Votes by absentee ballot will be counted only if submitted on Chapter's Absentee Ballot form and notarized by a Notary Public. The Absentee Ballot shall be received by the Nominating Committee prior to the official vote. The following officers shall be elected: • President • Vice President • Secretary • Treasurer In the event of a vacancy in an officer's position, it shall be filled by automatic succession and a special election held in accordance with Article V, Section 1 of the By-Laws. 2. No member of this Chapter shall be eligible for any office or directorship unless he/she has been a member in good standing for at least one year immediately preceding the election. 3. No two ( 2 ) members from the same agency may serve as officers at the same time.
Budget and Finance Committee
1.1 Budget and Finance Committee: The Budget and Finance Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members. The Budget and Finance Committee's primary responsibilities are to plan, establish, and execute the Chapter's financial program; prepare and present the Chapter's annual report, financial analyses, and statements; supervise, coordinate, and review the Committee’s budget proposals for the year. The Committee’s Chairperson shall make periodic reports to the President on the status of their activities. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee.
1.2 Education and Professional Development Committee: The Education and Professional Development Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members. The Education and Professional Development Committee’s primary responsibilities are to plan, establish, and coordinate educational programs, subject to approval by the Board, which further the knowledge, expertise, and professionalism of the membership. This shall be accomplished through the organization of workshops and NIGP seminars, etc., that lead to CPPB and CPPO certification of the Chapter's members. The committee Chairperson shall make periodic progress reports to the President of the status of the Committee’s activities.
1.3 Membership Committee: The Membership Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members. The Membership Committee’s primary responsibilities are to organize an effective recruiting program; to prepare materials for distribution to potential members or to help familiarize them with the Chapter; and to work with the President on membership problems. The Membership Committee shall prepare an annual membership list of paid members in good standing, and include the year in the heading, for presentation at the first Board of Directors Meeting of the Chapter year. This list shall be effective January 1, and shall also be submitted to NIGP according to its requirements. This membership list and updated lists will be prepared and presented to the Board and to the membership through the Chapter newsletter. The Committee’s Chairperson shall make periodic progress reports to the President on the status of their activities. The Committee shall be responsible for collecting the membership dues, conveying dues to the Treasurer for deposit, and sending out delinquent notices where necessary.
Program Committee
1.4 Program Committee: The Program Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members. The Program Committee’s primary responsibilities are to plan, develop, and coordinate information programs, educational in nature, for the membership. Responsibilities shall include arrangements for guest speakers at meetings and to arrange for audio visual aids, panels, and/or other appropriate methods to achieve the desired objectives. The Committee Chairperson shall make periodic progress reports to the President on the status of the Committee's activities.
Public Relations Committee
1.5 Public Relations committee: The Public Relations Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members. The Public Relations Committee’s primary responsibilities are to inform the membership of Chapter cultural and educational activities, as well as social events. The Public Relations Committee shall collect articles, prepare, edit, and publish the Chapter’s newsletter every other month, fifteen (15) days prior to the Chapter's regular meetings. The Committee shall collect and send articles to the members' local newspaper, to NIGP, etc., to publicize individual achievements, as well as those of the Chapter. The Committee's Chairperson shall make periodic progress reports to the President on the status of the Committee’s activities.
Research and Library Committee
1.6 Research and Library Committee: The Research and Library Committee's primary responsibilities are to conduct research for the Chapter and to collect materials for the Chapter library. The Committee shall furnish copies of materials from the library to members requesting them and replenish materials as necessary. The Committee's chairperson shall make periodic reports to the President on the status of the Committee's activities.
Legislative Liaison Committee
1.7 Legislation Liaison Committee: The Legislation Liaison Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members. The Legislation Liaison Committee's primary responsibilities are to maintain liaison with legislative committees which deal with procurement matters; to give to committees the views of the Chapter; to inform membership of legislative activities and matters.
Website Committee serves in an oversight role for the Chapter website. As such, they maintain content, ensure the quality of the content, and administer the system and features of the website. The Committee troubleshoots issues and assists members to update content. The Website Committee communicates with Board of Directors, Chapter Officers, Committees, Interest Groups, and members regarding website content and management. Duties and Responsibilities The Website Committee will: Communicate closely with conference planning co-chairs to develop the conference website and registration system as necessary Provide training to members responsible for maintaining content within the website, including monitoring and maintaining training materials Manage permissions and access to administrative functions of the website Ensure the site meets accessibility and other usability standards Review the website for broken links, incorrect information, and further edits Monitor and maintain the Chapter Website Best Practices document. Periodically re-evaluate the web hosting agreement, together with the Chair of the Committee and President, to determine if it is still satisfactory. This shall be done by June 1st as needed or directed by President.
Nonminations Committee


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